Sunday 2 October 2011

Twenty Eleven

    I remember telling my best friend on new year of 2011,that this year gonna be great and every month of this year has lived up to my gut feeling :) There have been highs and lows,the highs have thought me how i should be living my life and the lows what next I should be doing.Accepting myself just the way I am has helped me understand a lot and in being a better human being.Being true to your self doesn't come easy,it's a slow process,but it worth it because you only have one life to live.

   The thing I've learnt about feelings is,it has to be expressed either in words or in action.Showing gratitude fills your heart with at most joy.Change is vital,bring about change in your life and you'll see your life taking different routes.
    The most important idea I want to share is,Being your best in whatever you choose to do,it maybe being a friend to someone or a daughter or at work or in studies.At some places it comes easy and at some places we have to put in a little more effort,but that's your life's work.No one can replace you in this world to anyone,whether they love you or hate you,remember you or forget you,ignore you or miss you,is jealous of you or admires you.You were part so many people's life and you still are for a reason,whether it turned out to be good or the biggest mistake of your life,but you can always be happy that whatever you did you gave it your best short and that at the end of your life,your happier having lived your life.
    Mistakes happen to all of us,we have to learn to forgive ourselves along with forgiving others in the process and not be scared of making more mistakes but take the lessons learnt from the previous ones.I think one of the best things in life is to keep trying no matter how many times you have failed in whatever you wanted to do,to live all the dreams that you've dreamed off,so what it takes time,so what the world doesn't wait for you,in the end you have to answer to yourself  and not the world.

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